Make Us Wise: a note of explanation about the new song release

My usual muses are a cheerful lot and my music tends to be upbeat.  I expect there will be some surprise about my choice of the first single out in advance of the soon-to-be-released album, Enter the Muses.  Make Us Wise, the new song, will be available on all streaming services beginning at 12:01 am on 10/29 (the album which will be out in November).  The track is more soulful than happy.  For me, that feels right in this moment.

 I mean, it’s been a wearying year, with crisis and war and societal worry. Back in May when my dad’s voice left the planet too early, my usual inspirations sat down.  Unexpectedly then, other voices piped up.  Over the last months new songs and stories kind-of poured into the world.  The new album reflects their varied voices. 

 Now, in the midst of Autumn with its holidays of remembrance and gratitude, I’m serving-up Make Us Wise.  I mean to encourage…but I’m really only hoping…





How Long Do You Bake a Record?


Summer, Friends, Weeds, Playlists