And Now a Swinging Rocker in Sanskrit

“Sun Salutation”, a rollicking homage to our favorite celestial body hit streams and airwaves last week. It is getting great early exposure! We feel the song blisters with fiery spirit and circular movement. It rocks and rolls and “boils Mercury.”

Where did it come from? Well, the Surya Namaskar is a series of movements referenced in the ancient Veda that honor the sun.  It’s a form of worship that found its way into yoga practice. So the song comes out of ancient traditions — but also, it’s one of those songs that was fully formed in my head before I picked up my guitar to play it. What can you say about the sun that doesn’t have you dancing in jubilant circles!

We recorded and produced “Sun Salutation” at Dirt Floor Studios. As always the gifted Eric Michael Lichter produced, played and worked his magic. Eli Novicky mixed it, and Steve Wytas mastered it.

We love it and we think it’s bound to become a standard in hot yoga studios and gyms everywhere. And can’t you just hear it at the beach? Give it a spin!


Taylor, Beyoncé, Billy and…Ed


A Million Thanks